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Having an eating disorder or a “complicated” relationship with food can feel a lot like being in an unhealthy relationship. You know you can’t go on the way things are, but it’s hard to imagine life without this familiar “friend” who seems to be always there for you.
The thought of changing the way you relate to food can feel downright terrifying and, well, impossible. And yet, here you are, reading this, wondering if there really is hope and help for you.
The fact is, people with disordered eating do get better. People like you are able to move beyond obsession with food, weight, appearance, and being “healthy” or “fit.”
Change is hard, though, which is why people who want to get better need support and guidance. I will help you learn new ways to tolerate those difficult feelings that come up as you try new approaches to life and food. This will include coming to grips with the great and awful news that, as humans, we are never, ever going to be perfect…in any way.
When “slips” happen, (and they will) you and I will figure out together what can be learned from them. Those very slips then become the paving stones of your path to the abundant life you so richly deserve.
“I truly believe if not for my work with Carolyn I might have lost my life to my eating disorder.”